Thursday, October 20, 2011

Certified Personal Trainer Provides 8 Simple Steps to a Healthier You!

Palm Beach Athletic Wear's Marketing Team is always on the lookout for the best videos, articles, recipes and helpful tips to keep you fit and fabulous. Sometimes even the simplest steps to keeping fit can get overlooked. 
With over 12 years experience in fitness training, Jaylin Allen, a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Spin Instructor and Nationally Recognized Fitness Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), wrote the below article for, "Goodbye Fat, Hello Lean Body".
Fat loss doesn't have to be a mystery. Here are 8 simple things that you can start (or continue) doing that will help you burn more fat, raise your metabolism and create the lean, sexy body you've always wanted.
1. Drink More Water
This tip stays around because it works. Being dehydrated does more damage than people may realize. Not only does dehydration cause our organs to steal water from each other, but in terms of fitness and health, dehydration slows the body's metabolism down. If drinking more water means a boost in metabolism (and it does), then everyone should drink to that.
Don't use the old "eight glasses a day" routine to find out how much water you need to stay hydrated. Instead, divide your weight by two and you'll have your magic number. For instance, if you weigh 140 lbs, you will need 70 oz of water per day to be adequately hydrated.
2. Warm vs. Cold Water
In addition to drinking enough water, recent studies have shown that cold water may boost metabolism because the body works harder to heat it up once consumed. The supposed increase isn't enough to make any serious dents in your weight, glass by glass. However, once the habit is formed, the metabolism boost can add up. While the warm vs. cold debate isn't all that important, since you will be drinking more water anyway, why not maximize the benefits with efforts?
3. Break for a Cause
If you have a desk job that doesn't require much in the way of physical activity, it may be a good idea to use your break to take a brief walk. Even if it's around the office, the break in sedation helps to jolt the body's enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism. A few stretches, walking, or just standing from time to time are all good ways to break the daily grind and keep your body working.
4. Protein, Protein, Protein
You want lean muscle? Protein helps you build and keep lean muscle. Personal trainers have stressed the benefits of protein after workouts and science supports them. In fact, consuming protein after workouts (within 45 minutes) can boost your calorie burn by 35 percent.
Eggs, fish and poultry are great sources of protein. And while you may not be able to grab and go with fish or poultry, hard-boiled eggs and whey protein shakes are a great way to get your protein to go.
5. Go to Bed
This was a dreaded command as a child, but it seems like parents were onto something. People who sleep less tend to have more stress and as a result, more visceral fat built up. Life factors excluded, sleep is your body's way to repair itself and keep you working at optimal levels. Taking naps or hopping in the bed just 30 minutes earlier are easy tips you can do to help keep your workouts working for you.
6. Fight Fat With Fiber
Studies show people who consume more fiber tend to gain less weight over time. The trick is to shoot for about 25 grams a day, which amounts to three servings each of fruits and vegetables. A small price to pay for such a great result.
7. Make Friends With Breakfast
Like the old adage about water, the tip about eating breakfast stays around because it works. Eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism. That's a given. What's not always discussed is that those who skip breakfast are almost five times as likely to be obese as those who don't. Given those facts, squeezing in time for a morning meal is a must.
8. Pump Iron, Eat Iron
Pumping iron is one way to gain muscle and burn fat. But, eating iron is just as important in helping your body keep muscles. Iron brings oxygen to your body's cells and helps boost metabolism. Without it, your body lacks the oxygen it needs and Foods such as shellfish, beans, and red meat provide excellent sources of iron. Supplements are great replacements for iron, but should only be taken under the direction of a doctor.

Palm Beach Athletic Wear thinks these 8 simple steps to a better and more healthy, fit and fabulous you are a great starting point for anyone looking to say "Goodbye" to Fat and "Hello" to a more lean body, naturally.
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